Who We Are

  • 100% volunteer-based with no paid staff
  • Impacted more than 21,000 St. Louis children and adults in 2022-2023
  • Our 493 volunteers gave 63,200 hours which is equal to 30 full-time employees and is worth over $2 million
  • 100% St. Louis-based
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What We Do

Make a difference

Our member volunteers manage a variety of programs to benefit underserved populations in the St. Louis metropolitan region.  Each program has a unique delivery model and focus. We provide everything a child needs to wear to do well in school, athletic shoes and socks, personal care items for women and children in shelters, books for aspiring readers, and items to help families through tough times when they can't find help elsewhere.

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Beth Smith Receives ALSTL's Business Award

 Business Award Winner edited
Pictured left to right - Mindy Hellmich, ALSTL Vice President Membership; Jane Marschner, ALSTL Vice President Education ; and Beth Smith, store manager of Barnes and Noble West County

ALSTL recently honored Beth Smith, store manager of Barnes and Noble West County, with the chapter's St Louis Business Award. Beth has gone above and beyond her duties as store manager when it comes to Assistance League. She is always there for us. She has chosen ALSTL as the non-profit for the store's annual Book Fair. Beth makes sure all employees help us out that day and even opens the store an hour early for our members only.

We are also the chosen non-profit for the store's Book Drive. In the past three years Barnes and Noble West County has collected around 3,000 books for us...not just any books...but the ones we use with our Book Festivals. We give her a list! We can always count on Beth to get our books to us quickly and to provide specialized guidance to curate book lists for our Book Festivals, Urban League's Back-to-School EXPO, Grief Support, and our partner agencies (like Nurses for Newborns).

At any given time, she could be working with 10 or more of us in the Books From Friends program. There's so much more but...Beth is ALL IN WITH ASSISTANCE LEAGUE. She once said "Assistance League--you are my heros; not just Books From Friends but everything you do for our St. Louis community." ALSTL feels that she is our hero.

Beth is a South East Missouri State graduate in history. She has a 16 year old daughter, named Cora and loves to cross stitch and crochet. She has worked for B &N for 30 years, and enjoys reading history and Science Fiction Fantasty books!

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Place a Bet on Fun. Mark Your Calendars for Gala 2024!

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Ladies and Gentlemen, mark your calendars for an evening that promises glamour, excitement, and a touch of James Bond’s sophistication. Assistance League of St. Louis proudly presents our 2024...

Casino Royale Gala — High Stakes, High Hopes
Saturday, October 26, 2024
DoubleTree by Hilton - Chesterfield

Join us for an unforgettable evening featuring thrilling casino games, swanky cocktails, delicious food, and luxury live and silent auctions. Celebrate the power of volunteerism, and support our vital community programs.

Don’t gamble on missing out—save the date now for a night of glamour and giving! Share this with friends and family so they can join in on the excitement too.

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