Members devoted to their community
Make a difference
Our member volunteers manage a variety of programs to benefit underserved populations in the St. Louis metropolitan region. Each program has a unique delivery model and focus. We provide everything a child needs to wear to do well in school, athletic shoes and socks, personal care items for women and children in shelters, books for aspiring readers, and items to help families through tough times when they can't find help elsewhere.
Nestle Purina employee Belle Plew presents gifts of litter and pet food coupons to Assistance League of St. Louis Outreach Co-Chair Diane Burkard
A St. Louis area family lost everything in a devastating house fire, including two beloved pets. Assistance League of St. Louis (ALSTL) stepped up to help the family move beyond the tragedy—and to find a new cat.
When volunteers on the ALSTL Outreach team learned of the family’s crisis, they were quickly able to provide new beds, bedding, cleaning supplies, hygiene items, bathroom and kitchen necessities, clothing and shoes. But that still left a hole in the family’s life because they were grieving the loss of their two kitties. Jazhara, age 10, was especially saddened by the loss.
“Because our referrals come through school and community social workers, we don’t usually meet the families we serve, but things were different this time. I am a real animal lover, and when I discovered that on top of everything else, the family had lost their pets, my heart just went out to them. Then, when I learned that they were hoping for a new kitty, I knew what I had to do,” explained ALSTL Outreach Co-Chair Diane Burkard.
Diane searched and located a cat, met Mom at the shelter to handle paperwork, and a cat named O’Malley officially became part of the family. For Jazhara, it was love at first sight!
But Diane didn’t stop there. She wondered if Nestle Purina, her former employer, might also assist the family. Because Assistance League of St. Louis has worked with the corporation in other ways, ALSTL Public Relations Chair Jayne Foley was able to point Diane to just the right contact. Thanks to Tyller Cathey in Public Relations, Nestle Purina came through with a generous gift of food and litter, and Diane added the other accessories needed to welcome a new pet.
ALSTL President Sandy Thal said, “During February when people celebrate love, this family experienced caring and compassion from our dedicated volunteers, who work tirelessly throughout the year to ensure St. Louis area children and families have what they need to pursue their goals. Sometimes a little assistance is all it takes to change lives.”
To learn more about Assistance League of St. Louis, visit our What We Do page.