Who We Are

  • 100% volunteer-based with no paid staff
  • Impacted 30,290 St. Louis children and adults in 2023-2024
  • Our 492 volunteers gave 68,544 hours which is equal to 32 full-time employees and is worth over $2.2 million
  • 100% St. Louis-based
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Our member volunteers manage a variety of programs to benefit underserved populations in the St. Louis metropolitan region.  Each program has a unique delivery model and focus. We provide everything a child needs to wear to do well in school, athletic shoes and socks, personal care items for women and children in shelters, books for aspiring readers, and items to help families through tough times when they can't find help elsewhere.

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ALSTL Volunteers Foster a Love of Reading at Literacy for the Lou Celebration

Lit in Lou

Once again ALSTL’s Books from Friends (BFF) volunteers were out in force—and in costume—at the St. Louis Public Schools’ second Literacy for the Lou celebration, held in December at the Missouri History Museum. And they were in good company! The event featured a variety of well-known guest authors, including Super Bowl champ and children’s author Malcolm Mitchell; Eric Litwin, author of the popular Pete the Cat series; and Tom Phillips, a middle grade mystery writer. The celebration is part of the St. Louis Public Schools’ Literacy for the Lou initiative, which develops partnerships as a vital link to make reading and learning more enjoyable and accessible, with the ultimate goal of making a brighter future for all students in the district.

In addition to meeting and greeting students and their families, BFF costumed storybook characters distributed two free age-appropriate books to each child and staged a puppet show based on the book Why Not You? Volunteers brought a variety of puppets to ensure that the puppet actors looked like the children in the audience. This attention to detail reflects a goal of both Books from Friends and Literacy for the Lou, which is to provide books that children can relate to, with characters that look like them. In total, volunteers distributed more than 800 new books, including copies of Are Your Stars Like My Stars?, ALSTL’s newest selection, which includes suggested activities for families to do while sharing the book.

Books from Friends Co-Chair Mindy Hellmich said, “Participating in Literacy for the Lou is a natural for us since the event mirrors the goals of our program. It builds on the work we do throughout the school year to distribute books to students at interactive book festivals and through book donations delivered to the schools by our volunteer liaisons. Research shows that having access to books at an early age is a significant factor in children learning to read. That’s why we work hard to build home libraries - one reader at a time!”

Mindy’s Program Co-Chair Sue Long added, “We’re looking forward to the next Literacy for the Lou event scheduled for June. We’ll be there to help build those home libraries so that students have books to read during the summer months when they’re away from school!”

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You're Invited to the 20th Annual Authors Brunch

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Assistance League of St. Louis proudly presents New York Times bestselling author Lisa See at the 20th Annual Authors Brunch. Purchase your tickets at ab2025.givesmart.com. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. 

Please view this special video message that Lisa recorded for our community.

AB Women Sea Book

Lisa See, renowned for her bestselling novels, will captivate audiences with insights from her featured works, Lady Tan’s Circle of Women and The Island of Sea Women.

Known for weaving history and storytelling with themes of women’s empowerment, Lisa See promises an inspiring and engaging keynote experience.


This signature event supports Assistance League’s impactful community programs, including Project ROSE, which brings hope and dignity to women during their darkest moments.


Lisa SeeLisa See is the New York Times bestselling author of Lady Tan’s Circle of Women, The Island of Sea Women, The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Peony in Love, Shanghai Girls, China Dolls, and Dreams of Joy, which debuted at #1. She is also the author of On Gold Mountain, which tells the story of her Chinese American family’s settlement in Los Angeles.

See was the recipient of the Golden Spike Award from the Chinese Historical Association of Southern California and the Historymaker’s Award from the Chinese American Museum. She was also named National Woman of the Year by the Organization of Chinese American Women.

Learn more at lisasee.com.

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