It’s official! Representatives of the National Assistance League recently declared the St. Louis  chapter to be “one of the brightest stars in the national organization” following an extensive on-site review.  

Each chapter is visited every four years to ensure that it is accomplishing its mission and following its strategic plan.  During the recent visit, two national representatives interviewed board members and committee chairmen and saw firsthand the Steps to Success program in action. They also toured our newly-expanded Fantastic Finds resale shop. 

“To accomplish all you do for others requires a tremendous commitment from your members who step up to the plate at every turn,” said review team leader Judy Parker in her letter to ALSL President Marilyn Panter.  

The team was especially impressed by the scope of our philanthropic programs such as Operation School Bell and Steps to Success, the extraordinary fundraising and member participation which make them possible, and the high percentage of funds—81 percent—returned to the community compared to chapters nationwide.  Parker also gave high marks to the website and to our chapter video, saying it was “the best I have ever viewed.”

Congratulations to all of our volunteers working tirelessly to demonstrate “Caring and Commitment in Action” and bringing us such high praise and national recognition.  We ARE Assistance League!